With a fool's insistence, I continue with Blandi's Dog Register, but have renamed it MIXANOR. Mix = mix ancestry = ancestry of the genus

It will be fun to see how many people want to join and support this continuation, because it is crucial if there is a continuation.

Go to the website www.mixanor.se and order a registration.

Now have in 3 for years been exposed to what one might call the massive hate campaign and gained features in this that I didn't think of me. It's good to think about your behavior, but when rumors spread about me and my family's behavior, where it becomes a whole chicken farm by a spring, that's probably a bit too much. Be prepared to give up, but then he said “dårgenen” away and the stubbornness started and I am grateful for that.

Now we continue with the hope that everyone, who hear rumors about me and my person question s.k.. citation, because about me it is me who is the source and sits with the answers.

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