It's Monday morning and my body is cold, then it becomes a “snub” desire GODMORGON. Small Siri had to tiptoe out of the Hussen this morning, do not really know what she thought about it, men hon skötte sig exemplariskt, according to master. From my stoooora stadsfönter is a bit thin dimmma, and no birds I see as far as the eye can see. It's good “Cracker Man Fat take”, When the routine is broken in two, and you can not go out and meet up in the morning. Now I live in the present even today and enjoy that I have the opportunity and can “cure” a cold and think that it's good to know why the body feels unwell and be able to do something about it. Ha en så bra dag ni kan, as seen and heard we have another day … (tomorrow … hihihi) ♥
"Snubig Monday "
2012-04-23Written by Pongo