Is not completely healthy, though I've never been …. Haha

Have some diagnoses, but have lived with it for over 40 år, but it took a completely different turn and became awkward in the summer 2019, when it became a journey by ambulance. It has been difficult since then and the energy in the body has deteriorated significantly and you can almost say that it made me a little “disabled”. Has a walker, travel service and home service today, if now it would be a measure of disease. Anyway, I'm constantly working to get better, but not so easy when you are 75 years filled and corona times.

Hur som helst, my blog is not for talking diseases, but I just wanted to talk about the situation, about why not much is written from time to time.

Has a little four-toed “nurse”, which gets me out on a daily basis, because otherwise I would probably sleep away for the rest of my life, and those are bad prospects. Extremely grateful for this little life named MINOO, drygt 3 år.









Words on the road in the form of quotes;
Din tro formar dina tankar
Dina tankar formar dina ord
Dina ord formar dina handlingar
Dina handlingar formar dina vanor
Dina vanor formar dina värden
Dina värden formar din framtid
Mahatma Gandhi

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