An electric wheelchair found a new home with me yesterday. I named it FLEX, so now here will be training, so I'm sure how quickly or. slowly the joystick acts.
A little photo editing and sorting
Now for a few days I have devoted myself to my large image archive and deleted duplicates and edited and moved photos and images around. Acquired a new external hard drive where everything will be collected successively and empty all USB memories. Det är ett tidsödande tidsfördriv men nyttigt för man känner sig glad över varje förbättring och att hjärnkontoret […]
Philosopher Nostradamus (1500-talet) about 2024
Year 2024, as predicted by Nostradamus 2024, will Putin's leadership dance with its fate in the Year of the Dragon, facing challenges and opportunities. Depth, with its global expansion, predicted to gain unprecedented prominence, perhaps even overshadowing other superpowers. The medical world will be full of groundbreaking advances in the field of artificial organs, […]
The year 2024 has been going on…
Now I have woken up after a long period of feeling bad and with no desire to convey anything at all. Honestly, I haven't yet, but I'm writing to tell you that I'm alive. I will return later. Take heart and know that both you and I are valuable.